
Friday, July 26, 2013

Uncensored "Blurred Lines" returns to YouTube

I think this is pretty big news for everyone who likes to watch sexy music videos. YouTube basically owns the short-video streaming universe, so that very few artists are willing to record a video that won't be accepted on Youtube. Both the Robin Thicke video and the Justin Timberlake video were posted on YouTube, then reported and banned, and now both have been accepted back onto YouTube. I think we are seeing YouTube essentially give up in their war against boobs, at least when it comes to music videos. What I think this means that any artist will be able to create a music video and release it on YouTube without fear of it being banned, as long as there is nothing more explicit than what is in "Blurred Lines." And I think we'll start to see a lot more videos like this from a lot more artists. I certainly hope this is what it means. Maybe YouTube hasn't given up yet. But they sure seem to have surrendered when it comes to these two videos.

Watch Robin Thicke's "Blurred Lines"

Watch Justin Timberlake's "Tunnel Vision

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