
Sunday, July 28, 2013

Sexiest Music Videos of All Time update

I'm going to try to do a regular update on the progress of the Sexiest Music Videos of All Time project. If you saw my previous update, you know what this project is. To start, I am going through every video I ever posted to the site, looking for the highest quality copy I can find, and putting anything that's a possible candidate for my Sexiest Music Videos list into a separate folder. Once this part of the project is complete comes the next step, where I decide how many videos to include in the list, which ones to include, and finally the order of the videos. There will be two separate lists, a list of the sexiest videos with nudity (official or official-looking videos only) and another list of the sexiest non-nude videos. Most likely, I'll do a Top 100 for nudity and a Top 500 for non-nudity, although I am nowhere near completion of the project so I can't say for sure.

Since this is such a huge project and won't be done for some time, I am giving regular updates so you can see that although I haven't been posting as many new videos to the site, I am still working hard on this project. Currently I have 71 videos for the nude list and 824 candidates for the non-nude list. To give you an idea of the scope of this project, this is approximately 50 hours of music videos. I expect to be well over 1000 candidates for the non-nude list before this is done, but I couldn't say for sure how big this list will get.

Although this list is nowhere near complete, and there may be some very obvious videos missing from this list at the present time, I consider it very likely that this list is the largest collection of very sexy music videos ever found on one place on the entire internet, although I would love to be wrong about that, if someone knows of something even better and would like to point it out to me. So please take some time to watch any videos from this list that you haven't seen, or re-watch any that you haven't seen for a while. It would take too much time to post links to everything, so I am just posting screenshots. You can search for these videos on this site, on YouTube, on Google's video search, etc. In almost all cases, you can find a decent quality copy of these videos doing a simple search. If you absolutely can't find a video anywhere, please contact me at and I'll see what I can do.

If you have emailed me a suggestion since my last update and you still don't see it here, it doesn't mean that I don't like your suggestion. I am prioritizing videos I've already posted on this site, and I will be sure to check out all suggestions later.

(I just noticed that there is at least one video in here twice. No, I'm not going to fix it right now for this screen capture.)

1 comment:

  1. Amazing work. Really. Some of those I didn´t know. Thanks man...
