
Saturday, July 20, 2013

Status Update on the Sexiest Music Videos of All Time

I know I haven't posted very many videos for the past week or so. But I want to show you what I have been working on for the past several months. It has long been a goal of mine to put together my own list of the sexiest music videos of all time, and I am finally working on this right now. Of course I don't expect anyone to consider it THE definitive list. First, because new music videos are being released all the time, and I will have to update my own list regularly to keep up with new videos coming out. Second, because as much time as I spend looking for sexy music videos, I know there are probably a lot of videos out there that I have never even heard of. Of course, everyone's taste is different too, so what some people consider extremely sexy I might not like that much, and vice versa. The purpose is simply to offer my own perspective on sexy music videos to share with anyone who is interested.

So far, this project has consisted of looking for high-quality copies of the videos I have posted to the site and then sorting them into folders on my computer based on whether I consider each video a possible candidate for the final list. Every aspect of this project is still incomplete. I have a lot more work to do before even this first step of the project is done. Also, because I don't really want to have to compare the sexiness of videos with nudity and videos without nudity, I have opted for two separate folders, two separate lists. Most likely there will be a Top 50 or Top 100 for videos with nudity (or at least topless), and a Top 500 (maybe) for videos without nudity. (The Nude list will not include Porn Edits or Bazuka videos because I am interested in official music videos or at least very high-quality unofficial videos that look like they could have been official videos.) So far I have 58 videos in the Nude folder and 722 in the non-nude folder, and below I have provided screenshots of the names of all of the videos in both folders. If you're wondering, if we assume about 3 1/2 minutes per video, that's 45 hours worth of sexy music videos.

I am certain that I will add more videos to both folders before this first step is complete and I can then advance to the next stage of selecting which videos to include on the final list. After that comes the difficult step of deciding which order to put the videos in. So you can see that the final lists of videos will not be complete for some time. But I want to provide the list of videos now so you can see what I am working on, and also so you can check out for yourself any of these videos that you haven't seen. Most of these are on YouTube or are relatively easy to find on the internet. If there is any particular video that you can't find and would like me to upload for you, I remind you that I am accepting video suggestions in exchange for sharing videos. Most of what I have in these folders is HQ or at least decent quality. A few videos have lower quality, but I have done everything I can to find the best quality videos available online.

The first screenshot is for the nude or topless videos, the remaining screenshots are the non-nude videos:


  1. I miss Renegades from Feeder from your list: :)

  2. Thanks for the great suggestion, Anonymous. It was missing from my list because I'd never heard of it before. If there are a few videos from my list that you want to download from me, just send me an email with the names of the videos.
