
Monday, July 15, 2013

Exchanging videos for suggestions

I have a large collection of music videos, some of which are difficult if not impossible to find online at the present time, such as "Down on Me" by the Trollops and "She's a Freak" by Miss Millionaire. For many other videos, I have much higher quality videos than what you can find on YouTube. Obviously, I would not be able to respond to every request to share a video. However, if you email me privately at with a specific video suggestion or an artist with multiple sexy videos, and I like the video or videos enough to post them to the site, I will gladly share a link with you for a video of your choice. Email me to find out if I have the videos you are looking for. For most videos I have posted to this site, it is very likely that I have a high quality copy on my computer that I would be willing to share in exchange for the name of a sexy video.

I will not be posting any links on this or any other publicly available site. All links will be shared privately by email.


  1. So are you no longer posting anything here?

  2. Yes, I am still posting here. It's just been a couple days since I've worked on the site. This post is not announcing my retirement or anything, I'm just asking for suggestions for new videos in exchange for downloads.
