
Thursday, July 11, 2013

Biggest mistakes made in "sexy" music videos

As a follow-up to my post on my rules for sexy music videos, here are some of the most common mistakes that people make when making sexy music videos. When I say "mistake," this may very well be intentional. But there are many videos that I don't post on this site, or at least they are less sexy, because of the following:

1) Sexy girls should always be the main attraction, not a decoration in the background. This is very common with hip/hop and reggaeton videos. It almost seems like the artist is trying to show off how cool they are to have sexy girls in their videos, rather than actually trying to make a sexy video. See Rule #1: more screen time for the sexy girls, preferably 100%, will make a sexier video.

2) Some videos make it seem like whoever edited the video was afraid to make "too sexy" a video, so they show some sexy girls, then some buildings, traffic, and other random boring stuff, and then show a few more sexy girls. Again, see Rule #1. If you hire some sexy girls for a video shoot, why would you put shots of buildings and traffic in your video? What's the point?

3) Don't put kids in your sexy music video. I'm not sure what people are thinking here. The typical video goes something like this: Sexy girl dancing in bikini, sexy girl dancing in bikini, sexy girl dancing in bikini, 8-year old kid just hanging out, maybe in bikini as well, another sexy girl dancing in bikini. This is just weird to me. This rule is pretty simple: no children during sexy time.

4) Don't do the sexy video bait-and-switch. If you're going to make a video where it's the dudes getting all sexy, whatever, go ahead, I don't care, although I won't watch it. But don't be an asshole and make a video that starts out showing sexy girls, only they turn out to be guys, or the girls leave and it becomes a video of guys. I've seen several videos like this and will not post them to the site.

Any other big sexy video no-no's that I'm leaving out here?

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