
Monday, July 8, 2013

The 7 stupidest comments posted on every single sexy music video on YouTube

If you like to comment on YouTube videos, please don't be guilty of any of the following, which are completely stupid, and also completely unoriginal, since you will find most of these comments on almost every sexy music video on YouTube.

1) 90% porn, 10% music (or any variation of this, however clever the commenter tries to make it)

2) This porn has nice music

3) This porn has shitty music

4) I like the song, but the dancing girls were a terrible idea (or any other way of saying that the video is bad because it is sexy)

5) Fap fap fap (Keep it to yourself, please)

6) I wonder what the artist's/dancer's father/mother would say about her dressing like this (or Slut Shaming in any form)

7) 308 people are homosexual (or however many dislikes the video has). This is an especially noxious form of homophobia. In general, I don't think gay men are particularly repulsed by sexy videos of women. They just aren't turned on by them.

Commenter Dude-o-rama adds the following equally stupid comments to the list:

8) I'm so wet!!! (100+ thumbs up because a girl [apparently] wrote it)

9) If this doesn't give you a boner, you're gay.

10) Fake tits.

11) Real tits but they look fake.

12) I know [the girl in this video] and I've banged her.

13) Girls from [country other than where video is from] are all whores.

14) I wanna go to Romania!


  1. Haha, you're spot on there man. I've lost count of the times I've seen these. I've seen #7 the most: "11,237 of us r real men, 823 r fagz lol". Stupid.

    Can I add:

    8) I'm so wet!!! (100+ thumbs up because a girl [apparently] wrote it)
    9) If this doesn't give you a boner, you're gay.
    10) Fake tits.
    11) Real tits but they look fake.
    12) I know [the girl in this video] and I've banged her.
    13) Girls from [country other than where video is from] are all whores.
    14) I wanna go to Romania!

  2. I'm pretty sure I've seen #1 on almost every video I post here, but sadly these are all extremely common, and I actually believe that people think they're being clever when they make these comments.

  3. I love #14, by the way. If women won't have anything to do with you at home, I don't think going to a country where you don't even speak the language is going to help you get laid.
