
Wednesday, July 31, 2013

G&G vs. Davis Redfield - "I Like That"

Released July 2013


  1. i'm glad i found this, this is exactly what i was looking for, i also collect sexy music clips, i have a complete update of ( Russia, bulgaria, albania, greek, polonia, serbia, croitia, slovenia, bosnia, but my problem is , some countries i couldn't find a lot of sources, countries like ( Lithuania, Latvia, Sweden, Czech, Switzerlan, Denmark...) so i don't understand, is it cause these countries don't release a lot of music clips ? or cause i'm not searching good

    1. Some countries have more of a music industry than others. Try following Europopped on Twitter, who I think finds a lot of clips from some of these countries. If I know about sexy clips I'll post them here. I do have some sexy videos from Sweden and Denmark. I haven't found much from the other countries. Also, I would be very grateful if you would email me with info on videos I'm missing on the blog.
