
Friday, July 5, 2013

Everyone say "thank you" to Justin Timberlake

I know everyone likes to hate on boy bands and male pop singers, etc. but I'm thinking everyone needs to take back anything mean they've ever said or thought about Justin Timberlake. In his newest video, he is doing everything he can to make YouTube a safe space for boobs. There have been topless girls in music videos on YouTube for a while now, but not, that I know of, by such a prominent mainstream artist. And if he can beat YouTube on this and keep his video on YouTube, I think we're going to start seeing a lot more artists making sexier videos. YouTube has a very vague policy on nudity, saying that it has to be "artistic" or something like that, but videos get banned from YouTube all the time for violating this extremely vague policy, such as Robin Thicke's "Blurred Lines", which was banned from YouTube and then later allowed back on.

So thank you, Justin Timberlake.

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