
Saturday, June 22, 2013

Please send ideas for sexiest music videos ever

So I'm going to be spending some time updating this blog to make it easier for you to navigate around and find the videos you want, similar to what I was attempting on my other website. I will also be adding videos, of course, as I find them. But I also have a big project planned, which is to make the definitive list (of course it won't truly be definitive, that's impossible) of the sexiest music videos of all time. I currently have a folder on my computer of 500+ videos that I'm considering for this list, and I have a ton more that I need to re-watch and determine whether to add them to this folder. Once I have finished this project, I'm going to be narrowing down to a more manageable list of the sexiest videos. In the meantime, if you have any ideas for videos that absolutely must be on this list, even if you assume that I already know about them, please comment below. Even if you think I must already know about it, I still want your ideas, because it may very well be a great video that I've never heard of or that I forgot about. So don't be shy.

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