
Monday, October 15, 2012

New website

Today I started a new website that will eventually take the place of this blog. The blog format has certain limitations, and this site has been getting slower and slower to load as I accumulate more and more stuff. So I've decided to graduate to a real website. It will take a long time to migrate everything I have here over to the new site, but you can already check out the basic idea of what I am attempting to do with the site. The site still consists entirely of embedded video, but I think it looks cleaner and prettier, and it also loads a lot faster. I probably won't be updating this one any more, although I certainly won't be deleting it for a long time if ever. Take a look at the new site and leave me a comment if you have any suggestions.

Check it out


  1. Lookin good dude, nice layout. Will you have tags/labels listed?

  2. Yes, I will have tags. Check out the new Categories tab.

  3. Your edits are th best make it a category on your site

  4. I'm not sure where to upload the videos to make sure they are actually available. I've spent hours making a video only to have it rejected for copyright issues when I try to upload it somewhere. Any ideas?
