
Monday, May 14, 2012

What's sexy on TV?

I will be updating this post whenever I find something new on TV that is worth watching, and if you have any ideas of your own, please comment below. As of right now, this list is primarily Spanish-language channels, but I hope to add to it in the future.

(Update 5/14/2012) Bailando Por Un Sueño (El Trece, Argentina). If you happen to live in Argentina, you probably don't need me to tell you about this show. For everyone else, the Argentinian version of Dancing With the Stars usually features some of the hottest models in the country, and models in Argentina really love wearing thongs and looking good in them. And even though this is broadcast TV, the models get away from things that you couldn't even find on cable in the USA. Austin Miushi Vids will most likely be uploading all of the sexy clips from the show, so stay tuned, and you can find lots of sexy clips from previous years as well, and from other TV shows in Argentina. The new season starts very soon.

Nítido (Telemundo, Saturdays) A program focusing on Latin music and culture, with interviews and other features, including sexy models. Probably a good idea to DVR this show and fast-forward to the sexy stuff.
Watch a clip of several girls who want to be voted in as the Nítido Bon-Bon.

Descontrol (Telemundo, Saturdays) If you ever watched Caliente, the show that ran on Univision until it was cancelled a few years ago, this is basically the same show. Sexy girls in bikinis dancing to Latin music.
Watch a clip

El Gordo y La Flaca (Univision, Weekdays) This show regularly has sexy segments, including interviews with sexy girls in the jacuzzi.

Lingerie Football League (in 2011-2012 season, games were broadcast Friday nights on MTV2, with the championship game broadcast during the Super Bowl halftime. I'm not sure if they will do the same next season.)

Official league website

HTV Sexy (HTV, every night) The show doesn't always live up to its name, but there are enough sexy videos on the program that it would be worth DVRing the show if you get HTV where you live.

HTV Official Website

The channel has these short little videos that play between music videos that are actually sexier than most of the music videos they play.

HTV Hurbano (HTV, every night) Reggaeton videos, actually a little sexier than the HTV Sexy show, in my opinion. Also worth DVRing.

Fuse TV - Music channel has a variety of "Sexiest" shows. They are limited by the fact that they apparently only want to feature artists from the USA, so most of the sexy videos I find never show up on their lists. Still worth checking out.

Fuse's official website

Mun2 - English/Spanish bilingual music video channel, enough sexy videos that it's worth a look.

Mun2's official website

Tr3s - English/Spanish bilingual music video channel, also plays enough sexy videos that it's worth watching.

Tr3s's official website

1 comment:

  1. Nice to see more different variety of videos posted. Because the more content, the more awesome ^^;
