
Thursday, May 31, 2012

Playlists on my YouTube channel

Since this is sort of a music blog, you may have wondered what I think of the music I post here, and what kind of music I actually like. I will never claim that all of the songs posted here are masterpieces, but there are definitely some that I like. But the music I really like tends to be alternative/indie rock with some pop music as well. Over at my YouTube channel, I have made a playlist with some of my favorite songs that have been released in the 2010s. There will be more playlists to follow. You will also find my playlists of sexiest music videos for the past 3 years. All of the videos there have been featured on the site, but there it's all put together into a single playlist. I will also make more of these playlists in the future.

Go to my YouTube playlists

I would also like to remind you about my Facebook page for those who would like to follow me on Facebook. I am posting just a sample of some of the sexiest videos to be featured on the site.

Go to my Facebook page

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